Develop YOUR Style – 5 Things to Do With EVERY Photo you Process
As you are learning Lightroom and discovering the joys of post-processing, your instinct will be to just crank every dial. It is a common mistake …
These photography and post-processing guides walk beginners through the process of getting started in Adobe Lightroom.
As you are learning Lightroom and discovering the joys of post-processing, your instinct will be to just crank every dial. It is a common mistake …
Once you understand the basics of the local adjustment tools in Lightroom, we can get into some more advanced applications and powerful settings hidden within …
The most powerful feature that Lightroom provides the photographer is the ability to make “local adjustments“. While you may recall that global adjustments affect the …
At its surface, post-processing in Lightroom looks like simply dragging some sliders around. For some, this is all it will ever be… but not for …
The process of moving your new, edited photos out of Lightroom is called exporting. In traditional software, you are probably used to seeing “Open” and …
Before you can begin processing your photos in Lightroom, you need to let the software know where those photos are located! This process is called …